Here you can learn more about what servers/dimensions we offer and how to use them. If you enjoy our servers, make sure to vote for them! You can view the status of all our servers on our status page.
To quickly join our server, use the "Play Now" link in the menu, which will open steam and start Terraria to automatically connect to our ip and port.
Also join our discord server at to get server announcements, direct support, participate in events and connect with the community!
Accounts & RegistrationWhen you join one of our servers, the name of the Terraria character you connected with is used as the in-game account username. Beyond that, there is no link between in-game accounts on our servers and your Terraria characters.
To use the store and unlock more features on this website, you can create an account on this website by using the username and password of any of your in-game accounts.
If you forgot the password to one of your in-game accounts, you can reset it from the website account page or by using the /email recover
command in-game.
Our lobby at
port 7777
can be used to join any of our current dimensions. However, you can also directly join any of the servers listed below by using their respective ports.
The adventure dimension at
port 7774
is our main adventure server with all the great MMO style features! It includes a full experience based leveling system with unique classes and class specific abilities, level and class restricted items, modified enemy stats and loot, extended item storage, quests, a global leaderboard for experience and soon quests completed, quality of life features like commands to obtain information about items and improved DPS calculation, reforging of armor pieces, protected player houses, and countless other fixes and improvements over the vanilla game.
To use this server, you need to register an account using the /register
command, and your inventory on the server will be separate from your Terraria character. Once you registered, you will be logged in automatically every time you join.
The free items dimension at
port 7776
is our well known hub for getting all of the possible Terraria items easily and freely. It is intended to allow players to try out items and builds and test them on enemies.
You can join and use this server without creating an account, and the inventory of the Terraria character you joined with will be active here!
We will also soon launch a separate building server where you can claim an area to make amazing builds.